Passing almost south to north, this close-pass asteroid will be 4.4 million miles from Earth at about 1pm tomorrow.
It will be bright enough (~9th magnitude) to be easily visible in a small telescope over the next few nights.
The maps below should help you find it.
(Click on the images for a bigger version).
It is not far from the globular cluster M2 (NGC 7089) this evening, visible reasonably high up in the southern sky about 11pm.
It moves through Equuleus, past globulr M15 on towards Cygnus.
It will be close to the Veil Nebula on the 3rd, but its closest pass to that is during daylight in the UK.
Path of Florence over the next few days.
(Position marked at 5h intervals).
Path of Florence Today (31st August). Not far from globular Cluster M2.
(Position marked at 2h intervals).
Path of Florence on the 1st of September. Not far from globular Cluster M15.
(Position marked at 2h intervals).
Path of Florence on the 2nd of September, not far from head of Delphinus.
(Position marked at 2h intervals).
Path of Florence on the 3rd of September, Just approaching The Veil Nebula.
(Position marked at 2h intervals).