Open University Astronomy Club – Tuesday 3rd April

After a short rest, @Flat_Tim, Buzz and I will be out presenting once again.
This time it’s a re-visit to my friends at  The Open University Astronomy Club on Tuesday the 3rd of April.
Once again, it will be our ever popular audience-participation evening:
“Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to seeing my old friends once again and a meet up and chat in the pub beforehand.

Like all my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them all during the audience participation bits.
I’m sure that, like the other groups I have taken this presentation to, that they will really enjoy the fun evening I have got planned for them.

I wonder how keen they will be compared to the other groups about having their selfies taken with @Flat_Tim at the end of the evening.

All are very welcome, especially kids, as this presentation is aimed at any age group.

So if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

Meeting starts at 7:30pm and will be held in the Robert Hooke Seminar Room at The Open University, Milton Keynes.
For details how to find the meeting room, click this link.

Sky Diary for March 2018

My monthly sky diary for March 2018 showing the events of the night sky visible from the UK is now available in pdf form to download and print.
Click here, or on the image below to download the pdf.

It is also available to share on Google calendars.
Click here to go to my Google calendar.

More sky events will be added to the live Google calendar as more information becomes available.

Retford & District Photographic Society

On Monday the 26th of February, I will be presenting to Retford & District Photographic Society

I will be giving them my Finding your way around the night sky and starting out in Astrophotography presentation.

Hopefully, we’ll get more people out there, enjoying and imaging the night sky.

The Society meets at 7.30pm.

St Joseph’s R.C. Church Hall,
Babworth Road,
DN22 7BP

Nene Valley Astronomical Society – 19th February

After a short rest, @Flat_Tim, Buzz and I will be out presenting once again.
This time we will be visiting my closest astronomy group, Nene Valley Astronomical Society, on Monday the 19th of February.
I will be presenting my ever popular audience-participation evening:
“Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to seeing my old friends once again.

Like all my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them during the audience participation bits. I’m sure that, like the other groups I have taken this presentation to, that they will really enjoy the evening we have got planned for them.

I wonder how keen they will be compared to the other groups about having their selfies taken with @Flat_Tim.

All are very welcome, especially kids above 10 years old (That includes me!).

So if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

The meeting starts at 8:00pm.

Cost £3:00 per person.

Chelveston Village Hall,
Caldecott Road,

3D Moon.

After the media frenzy about the Super Blood Blue Moon on Wednesday, I thought I’d look through my collection to see if I have any full Moon images to directly compare lunar disk sizes. I found an image I took of the Full Moon just before the lunar eclipse started on the 28th of September 2015 with the same telescope and camera to see if I could compare them.

There isn’t actually that much in it, but can you make out which one is the so-called Super-Moon? No neither can I.

Out of interest, the 2015 eclipse was also when the Moon was fairly close to perigee, so the difference isn’t that much anyway.
But the media never went on then quite as much as they did this week about it being a super blood moon, did they?
Of course a much better comparison full moon image would be one taken close to apogee, when the Moon will be at its furthest.
One to try and capture later in the year perhaps.

However, when I posted the comparison image, a social media friend pointed out that there was a bit of a difference in libration, (The slight “wobbling” of the Moon) and that it could possibly make a great 3D image if they were scaled and positioned correctly.

So, given that the clouds are still about, I’ve got time to have a play.

First I had resize one image to exactly the same size as the other.
Next I had to work out which way each image needed to be rotated to give the best impression.
Hopefully once aligned that way side by side, when you go cross-eyed in the correct direction, the images are exactly registered.

The difference in the images seen by each eye should then trick the brain into perceiving a 3D image floating in the middle.

So here’s the result. Go Cross-eyed. Does it work for you?


Sky Diary for February 2018

My monthly sky diary for February showing the events of the night sky visible from the UK is now available in pdf form to download and print.
Click here, or on the image below to download the pdf.

It is also available to share on Google calendars.
Click here to go to my Google calendar.

More sky events will be added to the live Google calendar as more information becomes available.

A lunar imaging feast.

So, the Moon’s back once again!
Yes, so the Moon is nice to look at on the odd occasion, but boy, does it so regularly interfere with everything else.
And it always seems to be a clear sky when the Moon is at its brightest.

Up until about 10 years ago this was my main attitude towards the Moon.

So, when the Moon comes out, should I sit inside sulking, complaining about its bright light flooding out and hiding all those lovely deep sky objects and comets I love to chase down and image? After, would make a lot of sense as I am now starting to approach that Victor Meldrew stage of life! I know, I know, I can hear you saying “I Don’t Believe It!”.

But I have found as I have got older, I have started to re-discover the joys of that highly detailed lunar surface.
After all, it is the one celestial body that we can observe and image in unprecedented detail.
The changing angle of sunlight, bringing sharply into view different features each day, even changing significantly over a span of just a few hours, constantly gives us a new perspectives.

Features close to the terminator, the transition between night and day, (sunrise or sunset), create impressively long shadows that accentuate those features, making them look much more exaggerated than they really are and extremely dramatic.

Most of the features do get washed out close to full moon, looking a bit flat and lifeless, but bright crater rays show up really well at this phase. (If I was really that desperate to do some deep-sky imaging when the Moon is bright, I could always use a Hydrogen Alpha filter).

So, as I have re-embraced the Moon, I have learnt some very effective lunar image processing techniques and now understand how best to use my equipment to get the very best images. As a result my lunar images are now probably as good as my equipment will allow. If only I had a C11! We’re never satisfied with our equipment, are we? 🙂

Since starting proper visual astronomy at the age of 9, I am very proud of all I have achieved over those 47 years. The changes in the hobby and the equipment and knowledge available to amateurs these days is absolutely sensational. What else lies just around the corner?

Long may I be fit enough to keep pursuing and enjoying the hobby to its fullest.
If I can also help others to achieve their full potential in the hobby in the coming years, all the better.

So get out there, enjoy the Moon and Keep Looking Up!

Below are a selection of my lunar images.

If you want to see all my other images (Astronomy and Wildlife), click here to visit my Flickr Site 


Two Comets to watch out for.

Comet C/2017 T1 (Heinze).
This fast moving comet is rapidly moving south.
Here’s an image I captured on Friday the 5th of January.
Over 10 minutes during which these CCD images were taken it has shifted considerably.
Left image stacked on stars, right image stacked on the comet. This comet was really shifting.

It will reach perihelion at the end of February, but it passes very close to the Sun, so like the infamous Comet C/2012 S1 (ISON) before it, is unlikely to survive its close encounter with the Sun. It is about 12th magnitude and is unlikely to get much brighter. But don’t forget, predicting a comets brightness is hugely unreliable.

The map below shows the path of the comet as it dashes to the west of Pegasus as it approaches the Sun.
(Click on the image for a larger version). Map created using C2A planetarium software.

It passes to the east of the Globular Cluster Messier 15 between the 25th & 27th of February shown in this map.
(Click on the image for a larger version).  Map created using C2A planetarium software.

Comet C/2016 R2 (PanSTARRS).
This comet is becoming a lot more interesting. It is currently around magnitude 13, so quite faint.
It reaches perihelion in late May, but as the comet gets further away from Earth, it gets fainter and is likely to fade to about 14th magnitude by then.
I first caught the comet on the 8th of December 2017.
At that time, as you can see from my image below, it looked like many other comets, as faint smudge of light, but it showed a hint of two tails (Pointing towards 10 and 2 O’clock).

On the evening of the 7th of January, I was testing out a CCD camera that someone has loaned me.
I have had to enhance the image somewhat, but the tail/s look very intricately detailed.
There’s a heck of a lot happening with this comet.

I got another shot on the comet on the evening of the 19th of January.
Using the CCD camera, I was monitoring the images coming off the camera, they appeared to be ever so slightly different in each image. The image below shows the quick process I did on each set of images as they came off the camera.
The changes can clearly be seen. I’m working on all the 297 subs taken that night to try and produce an animation.
I may be a while.

The comet reaches perihelion in early May, but is not predicted to reach more than magnitude 13. But with that amount of activity going on already, who knows what might happen.

The map below shows the comet as it heads northwards away from Taurus, past the leg of Perseus and up into Auriga.
(Click on map for bigger version). Map created using C2A planetarium software.

Cranfield Astronomical Society – 23rd January 2018

On Tuesday the 23rd of January, I will be re-visiting Cranfield Astronomical Society.

My first presentation of the year will be entitled “The Voyager Missions; 40 Years and Counting”
Nicely timed to fit in with the anniversary and the recent activation of Voyager 1’s thruster after 37 years.

I am looking forward to the evening and meeting everyone again.

The Society meet at 7:30pm at the Cranfield Student’s Association Lounge every Tuesday evening.
All will be welcome, so contact them for more details:


First session of 2018. A CCD Test-out.

Now does that feel good!
A clear night and nothing to get on with, plus the Moon won’t be up for a while.

So why not let myself loose under the stars and do some imaging?

I was also recently loaned a CCD camera to try, so I was really keen to test this out.

I had a very basic CCD camera many years ago, but didn’t really gel with it. It used to cause me much frustration and the results always seemed to leave a hell of a lot to be desired. Since then I have concentrated mainly on DSLR imaging, which I found much easier, selling the CCD for a give-away price many years ago at Kelling.

As time has gone by, I really want to start capturing objects a bit closer up and reveal a bit more detail than the DSLR can usually manage. So when the offer of using the CCD came my way, I snapped it up willingly.

First Target, the good old favourite M42, The Great Orion nebula.
This image was taken using the 190 Mak-Newt. 40 second subs.

Towards the end of the evening, as the Moon was appearing above the neighbours house, I used the ED80 to take a wider field of M42. Also 40 second subs.

Here’s Comet C/2017 T1 (Heinze), (Its out-gassing has nothing to do with the Beanz).

This comet is really shifting. First image stacked on the stars, so comet has moved to produce a streak during the 10 minutes time of all the sub exposures. Had to keep the exposures down to 15 seconds to avoid the comet trailing in each sub. Second image was stacked on the comet so the stars are trailed.

With care, I feel this CCD could produce some really fabulous results.
Bring on the clear skies in 2018.

Now where did I put my filter wheel?

Sky Diary for January 2018.

My monthly sky diary for January showing the events of the night sky visible from the UK is now available in pdf form to download and print.
Click here, or on the image below to download the pdf.

It is also available to share on Google calendars.
Click here to go to my Google calendar.

More sky events will be added to the live Google calendar as more information becomes available.

Chipping Norton Amateur Astronomers – 18th December

@Flat_Tim, Buzz and I will be out once again for what will now be my last presentation of the year.
This time we will be visiting Chipping Norton Amateur Astronomy Group on Monday the 18th of December.

For their Christmas Party I will be presenting my extremely popular audience-participation evening:
“Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to meeting a new astronomy group.

I wonder how they will be in having selfies taken with Tim in his Father Christmas hat.
(Yes, @Flat_Tim is so much into the Christmas spirit now, I hope he can stand up on the night).

Like all my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them during the audience participation bits.
I’m sure that, like the other groups I have done this with, they will really enjoy the evening I have planned for them.

All are very welcome, so if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

The meeting starts at 8:00pm.

Methodist Church Hall (use the side entrance to lower back room ),
5 West St,
Chipping Norton

Phaethon and The Geminids

Next week sees the maximum of the Geminid meteors. This fairly active shower is one of the richest showers of the year.
This shower is active from the 8th and goes on until the 17th of December.

Maximum activity occurs on the 14th at 02:00hrs.
It has a predicted Zenithal Hourly Rate (ZHR) of 100 meteors per hour.
Don’t forget though, you are very unlikely to see quite that amount of meteors per hour.
But it should put on a great show.

Observing conditions for the meteors themselves are extremely favourable.
The Moon is just approaching New, so will be well out of the way and will not interfere with observing.
It rises as a very thin crescent, which should also have strong Earthshine, rising after 4am in the ESE sky, so should be worth waiting up for if you have a clear horizon.

Most meteor showers are produced by the Earth moving through debris left in the orbits of comet, where the Earths and comets orbits intersect.

The BAA are even suggesting imagers webcam the Moon regularly during the shower to see if any lunar impacts from these meteors can be detected by amateurs on the side of the Moon in shadow.

With the Geminids, the parent body, known as 3200 Phaethon, is classified as an asteroid.
(I think that the boundaries between what is classed as an asteroid and a comet are going to get even more seriously muddled as we explore more of these minor solar system bodies).

Phaethon is an Apollo-type asteroid. It’s orbit reaches aphelion (furthest point from the Sun) well out beyond Mars (223 million miles), reaching perihelion (Closest point to the Sun) well inside Mercury’s orbit (13 million miles).

During the meteor shower, Phaethon makes one of its close passes to the Earth on the 16th of December.
It will reach at least magnitude 12, so should be visible  and will be well placed for observing from the UK.

This map Generated using the free C2A Planetarium Software shows the full path of the asteroid, moving left to right from the 14th to the 18th of the month.
It passes from Perseus into Andromeda and onto Pegasus over this time.
More detailed maps are shown below.
Click on the maps for bigger versions.

On the 14th – 15th, the asteroid passes just below the open cluster M34 as it moves from Perseus towards Andromeda.
It passes just above NGC 752 in daylight hours on the 15th.

After dark on the evening of the 15th, it is approaching Beta Andromedae (Mirach), which it passes due south of in the early hours of the 16th.

During daylight hours the asteroid moves towards the constellation of Pegasus.
As dark falls on the 16th Phaephon is moving below Delta Andromedae, and doesn’t quite reach The Square of Pegasus before daylight hits.

When darkness falls on the 17th of December, Phaephon is now well into the southern part of The Square of Pegasus.
Daylight hits once again before it starts to move out.

On the evening of the 18th, Phaephon is slowing down and fading as it moves southwards, its path running almost parallel to the Flying Horses neck.

Have fun hunting down this asteroid.

Let me know how you get on.





Sky Diary for December 2017.

My monthly sky diary for December showing the events of the night sky visible from the UK is now available in pdf form to download and print.
Click here, or on the image below to download the pdf.

It is also available to share on Google calendars.
Click here to go to my Google calendar.

More sky events will be added to the live Google calendar as more information becomes available.

Knowle Astronomical Society. Monday the 4th of December.

A very late booking.

@Flat_Tim, Buzz and I will be out once again for what will now be my penultimate presentation of the year.
This time we will be visiting Knowle Astronomical Society on Monday the 4th of December.

Once again I will be presenting my extremely popular audience-participation evening: “Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to meeting a new astronomy group.

I wonder how they will be in having selfies taken with Tim in his Father Christmas hat.
(Yes, @Flat_Tim has now started to get very excited about Christmas).

Like all my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them during the audience participation bits.
I’m sure that, like the other groups I have done this with, they will really enjoy the evening I have planned for them.

All are very welcome, so if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

The meeting starts at 8:00pm.

Dorridge Village Hall,
Grange Road,
B93 8QA.

A Rare Deep Sky Imaging Session. 16th November 2017

On the way home from work a strange sight beheld me. Looking towards the north-east, it looked like the shutters were being rolled back.

A clear night, with no Moon looked to be promised.
It’s been quite a while since I did some serious deep-sky imaging (Good grief, was it really the 20th of January!).
As I didn’t have work the next day, I decided I just had to get out and give it a go.

So early evening I got some of my next astrophotography workshop written, before venturing out into the dome.

I also took time throughout the night to stand out to see if I could see any Leonids.
Fat chance!
Didn’t even see a faint one.

The first target was NGC 891, a beautiful edge-on galaxy. The dark dust lane and a hint of structure.

A bit lower in the sky was comet C/2015 ER61 PANSTARRS.
The colour image wasn’t that good, but making it mono and inverting the image shows quite a long dust tail, going off the the right hand side of the image .

Next, I went over to visit an old favourite, The Pleiades Star Cluster.
The initial image looked good, but while I was processing this, more subs were being taken.

The image is definitely improved with the extra data.

While I was on the bright stuff, I thought I’d try the core of M31.
The galaxy was almost overhead, so the auto-guiding was struggling.
I gave up, but got 4 subs to make an image.
Some dust lanes can be clearly seen, so I moved on to a fainter Messier object.

M1 is the much studied supernova remnant, the Crab Nebula.
This is the remains of a star that was observed by Chinese astronomers to go supernova in 1054.

From there, it was adventure down south into Orion.
M78 was my first target.
A challenge in the light pollution, but the lack of stars visible due to the presence of dark obscuring dust shows quite well.

Further South, the Horsehead Nebula and Flaming nebula close to the left hand belt star Alnitak.

A visit to Orion must involve a look at M42, the great Orion Nebula.
The colour didn’t look too good, but the image itself contained a lot of detail.
So I overlaid the image taken tonight as a luminosity layer on top of a much more grainy image that captured the colour much better.
The result was finally very pleasing.

Last object in northern Orion was NGC 2174, The Monkey Head Nebula.

By this time I was getting cold and tired. So my last two objects were M81 & M82.
It was getting a little bit murky by this time, so I did as best I could and used the two images to build a wider field mosaic.
You can see how there are less stars in the M82 half of the image as the sky was getting worse.


Coventry & Warwicks AS – 10th November 2017

On Friday the 10th of November, after meeting the real thing a couple of weeks ago @Flat_Tim and Buzz will be taking me out once again for my penultimate presentation of the year.
This time we will be re-visiting Coventry & Warwickshire Astronomical Society.

Once again I will be presenting my extremely popular audience-participation evening: “Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to being made very welcome once again as they did on my two previous visits to them.

I wonder how keen this group will be in having selfies taken with Tim.

Like all my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them during the audience participation bits.
I’m sure that, like the other groups I have done this with, they will really enjoy the evening I have planned for them.

All are very welcome, so if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

Their meeting starts at 7:15pm.

Earlsdon Methodist Church Hall,
Earlsdon Road South,

Wolverhampton Astronomical Society – 6th November

On Monday the 6th of November, after meeting the real thing a couple of weeks ago @Flat_Tim and Buzz will be taking me out once again. This time we will be re-visiting Wolverhampton Astronomical Society.

Once again I will be presenting my popular audience-participation evening: “Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to being made very welcome once again as they did on my previous visit to them.

But I wonder how keen this group will be in having selfies taken with Tim.

Like all my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them during the audience participation bits. But I’m sure that they will really enjoy the evening I have planned for them.

All are very welcome, so if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

Their meeting starts at 7:30pm.

Highfields Environmental Centre,
Boundary Way,

WV4 4NT 

+ Google Map


Sky Diary for November 2017

My monthly sky diary for November showing the events of the night sky visible from the UK is now available in pdf form to download and print.
Click here, or on the image below to download the pdf.

It is also available to share on Google calendars.
Click here to go to my Google calendar.

More sky events will be added to the live Google calendar as more information becomes available.

Bedford Astronomical Society – 25th October.

On Wednesday the 25th of October, @Flat_Tim will be taking me out once again.
This time we will be visiting my home astronomical society in Bedford.

I will be presenting my audience-participation evening: “Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to presenting on home territory amongst good friends.

Like my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them all during the audience participation bits.
Little do they know what to expect, but as this talk is going down so well, I’m sure that they will really enjoy the evening I have got planned for them.

All are very welcome, so if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

Meeting starts at 7:30pm.

The Resource Room.
Piazzi Smyth Observatory.
Pemberley Avenue
MK40 2LE

Comet ASAS-SN 01 brightens.

Over the next few weeks Comet ASAS-SN01 gets brighter and moves further northwards.
This fresh comet from the Oort cloud was discovered on the 19th of July 2017, from Cerro Tololo, Chile

It passed close to the Pleiades around the middle of September and is currently in the constellation of Perseus.

The comet reaches perihelion (closest to the Sun) on the 14th and passes 67 million miles from Earth 4 days later.
It should reach a maximum magnitude of around +8, so should be visible in binoculars or a small telescope at this time.

By the end of October it will be found in the constellation of Camelopardalis, heading almost directly towards Polaris.
What it’s brightness will be at this time is difficult to say, as comets are notoriously difficult to accurately predict.

By the end of November the comet will be close to Polaris and its motion would have slowed down as the distance from Earth increases. It should be very faint by this time.



2012 TC4 buzzes Earth – 10th – 12th October

A small asteroid (Do they still call them that these days?) is due to buzz past the Earth over the next few days. It is likely to reach the giddy heights of magnitude 12.5 (or there-about), so will be a real challenge to spot as it passes us, moving south west as it goes.

It will not hit the Earth and will pass by at about 30,000 miles above the Earth’s surface at closest approach on the  12th.

On the 10th it will be in Aquarius a little below the Water Jar asterism.

On the 11th it will be in Capricornus, within the main body of the constellation when dark in the UK.

On the 12th it will be in Sagittarius and virtually lost in the multitude faint milky Way stars and very low down in the south western evening sky after dark.

If you’re going to give it a go. Very good luck.

More details here on the Sky & Telescope Web Page





Walsall Astronomical Society – 5th October 2017

On Thursday the 5th of October, @Flat_Tim and Buzz will be taking me out once again.
This time we will be re-visiting Walsall Astronomical Society.

We will be presenting my audience-participation evening: “Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission”.


I am looking forward to being made very welcome once again as they did on my previous visit to them. I know that they will probably be surprised to see Tim, as I don’t think they are expecting him (Unless they read this blog, of course!). But, I’ll bet you this for nothing, they’ll all be wanting to take selfies with him at the end of the evening.

Like my other visits out with this presentation, I’m really looking forward to having a lot of fun with them during the audience participation bits. But I’m sure that they will really enjoy the evening we have planned for them.

All are very welcome, so if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

Their meeting starts at 8:00pm.

They meet at:
Rushall Olympic FC,
Dales Lane,
West Midlands

Sky Diary for October 2017

My monthly sky diary for October showing the events of the night sky visible from the UK is now available in pdf form to download and print.
Click here, or on the image below to download the pdf.

It is also available to share on Google calendars.

Click here to go to my Google calendar.

More sky events will be added to the live Google calendar as more information becomes available.

Now last weekends Kelling Sky Party is behind us, the observing season is well and truly open.

New Workshops for 2018

Dates for my astronomy workshops for next year have now been confirmed.

Although I have had people travel as far afield as Sheffield and Hampshire, if these workshops are too far for you to travel, if your club or society would like me to organise an astronomy workshop closer to your location, do get in touch.

So below is my list of workshops currently available for booking.

Click here for full details and Paypal booking on my Workshop Web page






Milton Keynes Astronomical Society – 29th September 2017.

On Friday the 29th of September I will be taking Milton Keynes Astronomical Society on a wild ride touring out from Earth to the very edge of our observable universe.

I will be giving my Whistle-Stop Tour of the Universe (Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light) presentation to them.


So let’s hope that they all strap themselves in and get ready for a journey that really is out of this world.
(Of course, it’s really just a fantastic excuse to show some beautiful images of our wonderful universe).

So if you are in the area, come along and say “Hello”.

MK AS meet at 8:00pm at the following venue:

Rectory Cottages.
Church Green Road, 
Milton Keynes.
MK3 6BJ.


Kelling Sky Camp is a-coming.

Preparations now being made for next weeks Autumn Equinox Sky Camp at Kelling Heath.

This annual pilgrimage is made by hundreds of like-minded astronomy devotees, who love nothing more that standing out under the cloudy sky and socialising. Well, we do get some clear skies quite frequently, but the event is always eagerly anticipated and definitely sociable. Clear skies are a bonus.

We are on the Red Field this year, and will be there from the Thursday until Sunday.
If you haven’t booked a pitch, you’re far too late, but some spare pitches have recently been advertised, so have a look round to see if you can catch one. It might also be worthwhile ringing Kelling directly and seeing if they have had any cancellations. I know some people have picked up pitches at short notice this way.

So, today’s task in hand? Get myself out in the garage and get sorting out all that camping gear.

Next job: Decide what astronomy equipment to bring along. Do I go along with all guns blazing, or just take it easy with the Dob?

Oooh!! Decisions, decisions.


Cambridge Astronomical Association – 15th September 2017

On Friday the 15th of September I will be re-visiting Cambridge Astronomical Association to give them a presentation on Mars – The Red Planet. This coincides with their recent observing evening celebrating 140 years of Mars observing since Schiaparelli drew his infamous Canali and Asaph Hall discovered the two small moons, Phobos and Deimos.

I will talk about past observations, the frustrations of observing the planet as an amateur, and review of some of the unmanned missions, both failures and successes that have visited the planet and a look at future possibilities of manned flights.

The meeting starts at 8pm.

The venus is:
The Institute of Astronomy,
Madingley Road,
CB3 0HA.