There’s a nice conjunction of The Moon, Venus & Pleiades star cluster coming up.
On the evening of Thursday the 26th of March, the very thin crescent Moon will be low in the western sky as the sky darkens.
(Note: The size of The Moon has been exaggerated in these images).
The next evening (27th March) The Moon is higher in the sky.
It is now approaching Venus and The Pleiades.
Theses are themselves getting closer for a close encounter early next month.
On the evening of the 28th March the three objects are close together, making a nice triangle.
This will be a great photographic opportunity to capture the three objects in one image.
The next evening The Moon will have started to move away as the crescent thickens.
Early next month Venus photo-bombs The Pleiades.
I’ll post more details about this later.
Keep Looking Up!
Keep Safe and well.
All diagrams produced using the excellent planetarium software Stellarium.