
Thank you very much to everyone who has invited me to do presentations for them over the years, especially those who have invited me back for repeat visits and have continued with Zoom presentations to enable me to visit more remote groups. It is very much appreciated.

I do enjoy doing these talks and meeting up with great people, but as you can see I have now started to reduce how many talks I do, as I am so busy with many other things these days.

I will still be doing some local talks now and again, especially on Zoom, or at short notice, so please get in touch if you would like me to do a presentation for your group.

Schedule of my presentations, books and workshops.

Previous Events:


16th December.
Nene Valley Astronomical Society.
Smart Telescopes and Imaging Update.

5th December.
Sky At Night Webinar (Online).
DSLR Astro Imaging – The Deep Sky.

10 – 24th November.
Resident Astronomer onboard Fred Olsen’s Ship Bolette.

8th November.
Wheymouth Astronomical Society (Via Zoom).
The Webb Space Telescope.

4th June.
Lincoln Astronomical Society (Via Zoom).
Comets: Enigmatic and Beautiful Visitors.

17th May.
Milton Keynes Astronomical Society.
Piazzi Smyth and his High Altitude Observatory.


13th December.
Northampton Natural History Society (Photo Section).
Starting out in Astrophotography.

6th December.
Letchworth Astronomical Society – Zoom Talk.
What to observe in 2024.

9th November.
Southampton Astronomical Society – Zoom Talk.
Pluto & New Horizons.

28th October.
Society For Popular Astronomy Meeting.

25th October.
Bedford Astronomical Society.
Beginners Evening.

23rd October.
King’s Lynne Astronomical Society – Zoom Talk.
The James Webb Space Telescope.

6th October.
Nene Valley Astronomical Society.
The James Webb Space Telescope.

10th September.
Horncastle Astronomy Weekend – Zoom Event.
The Webb Space Telescope.

5th September.
Northants Amateur Astronomers.
Solar Observing & Imaging.

27th July.
Cotswold Duston WI – Northampton.
Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light: A Whistle-Stop Tour of The Universe. 

18th July.
Far Cotton History Group.
Hitch-hiking on a Ray of Light: A Whistle-stop Tour of the Universe.

16th June.
Milton Keynes Astronomical Society.
In the Footsteps of Piazzi Smyth.
Astronomical Adventures in Tenerife.

21st May.
Society for Popular Astronomy.
Beginners Astrophotography Workshop.

26th April.
Letchworth Astronomical Society.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons.

24th April.
Barry Astronomical Society – Zoom Talk.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons.

11th March.
The Practical Astronomy Show. Kettering.

3rd March.
Newbury Astronomical Society – Zoom Presentation.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons.

28th February.
Northampton U3A Group.
Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light: A Whistle-Stop Tour of The Universe. 

24th February.
Chesterfield Astronomical Society – Zoom Presentation.
Observing and Imaging The Moon.

23rd February.
West Haddon Photographic Society.

22nd February.
Bedford Astronomical Society.
Solar Observing and Imaging.

21st February.
Cranfield Astronomical Society.
Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light: A Whistle-Stop Tour of The Universe.

28th of January.
Society for Popular Astronomy.
The Quest for Darker Skies.

5th January.
Guildford Astronomical Society – Zoom Presentation.
Solar Observing and Imaging.


30th November.
Salford Astronomical Society – Zoom Presentation.
Out Of The Dark. Pluto and New Horizons.

28th November.
King’s Lynn Astronomical Society – Zoom Presentation.
Comets. Enigmatic and Beautiful Visitors.

24th November.
Luton Astronomical Society.
The Apollo Missions.

12th November.
FAS Meeting in Oxford.
Having a stand selling my books.

9th November.
Castle Point Astronomy Club – Zoom Presentation.
The Voyager Missions.

2nd November.
STEM Visit to a local School.

11th October.
Far Cotton History Group
Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

21st August.
Rugby & District Astronomical Society.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons.

12th August.
Breckland Astronomical Society.
Astrophotography and Affinity Photo.

5th August.
North Northants Amateur Astronomers.
Astroboost Webb Space Telescope resources.

27th July.
Cotswolds Duston WI (Northampton).

26th July.
Northamptonshire Amateur Astronomers.
The Voyager Missions.

16th July
Planetarium Shows at Raunds Library.

8th July.
Milton Keynes Astronomical Society.
The Footsteps of Piazzi Smyth.

5th July.
Far Cotton History Group.
Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

26th May.
Luton Astronomical Society
Out of The Darkness: Pluto & New Horizons.

31st May and 1st June.
Planetarium shows at Northampton Museum for half term.

18th May.
Fordingbridge Astronomers
Why The Universe Doesn’t Give a Fig About You.

12th April.
Rushden & District Photographic Society.
A Whistle-stop Tour of the Universe: Hitch-hiking on a Ray of Light.

29th March.
Cranfield Astronomical Society.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons.

25th March.
South West Herts Astronomical Society.
A Whistle-stop Tour of the Universe: Hitch-hiking on a Ray of Light.

24th March.
School Planetarium and Observing Evening.

21st February.
U3A Group in Rushden.
Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

20th February. Cancelled because of storms
Rugby & District Astronomical Society.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons.

9th February.
School Virtual STEM Talk
Spacecraft Are Robots.

9th February.
Castle Point Astronomy Club
Whistle-Stop Tour Of The Universe.

4th February
School STEM Visit.
Exploring the Wonders of The Night Sky.

27th January.
Over 60’s Club in Northampton.
Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.


30th November.
Cranfield Astronomical Society.
The Voyager Missions.
Zoom Talk.

5th November.
Stanion Stargazers
The Magic of Affinity and The ASIAIR PLUS

12th July.
Kings Lynn & District AS.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons. Zoom Talk

17th May.
Nene Valley Astronomical Society. 
Pluto and New Horizons: Out of the Darkness. Zoom Talk

15th May.
Shropshire Astronomical Society.
Why The Universe Doesn’t Give a Fig About You. Zoom Talk

7th May.
Vale Photographic Club.
Astrophotography. Zoom Talk

8th April.
Southampton Astronomical Society.
Apollo 13: Houston, We’ve had a Problem! Zoom Talk

1st April.
Nottingham Astronomical Society.
In the Footsteps of Piazzi Smyth.
An Amateur Astronomer’s Adventures in Tenerife.
Zoom Talk

23rd March Virtual Astronomy Clubs 1st Anniversary.

16th March – Virtual Astronomy Club.

2nd MarchVirtual Astronomy Club.

18th FebruaryVirtual Astronomy Club.
Joint event with GoSpaceWatch and AstroRadio.
Live Perseverance Landing Watch Party.

16th FebruaryVirtual Astronomy Club.

15th February.
Bradford Astronomical Society.
Out of The Dark: Pluto & New Horizons. Zoom Talk

14th February.
StarGazers Lounge, StarGazine.
Late winter and Spring Observing Challenges.

9th February.
Moffat Astronomy Club.
Why The Universe Doesn’t Give a Fig About You. Zoom Talk

2nd February – Virtual Astronomy Club.

31st January.
Elan Valley Virtual Event.
Astrophotography on a Budget. Zoom Talk

30th January
SPA Online Meeting.
A Tour of The Moon.

28th January.
Abington Over 60’s Club.
A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

5th January.
Hackleton Women’s Club.

A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.


21st December.
Sandy Astronomical Society.
The Voyager Missions. Zoom Talk

17th December.
Tweeddale Astronomical Society.
A Whistle-stop Tour of the Universe: Hitch-hiking on a Ray of Light. Zoom Talk

15th December
Virtual School STEM Ambassador Visit.
Daytime Zoom Presentation

Virtual Astronomy Club. 7pm.

1st December
Virtual Astronomy Club.

30th November.
Clydesdale Astronomical Society.
Rosetta & Philae: From Concept To Reality.Zoom Talk.

24th NovemberVirtual Astronomy Club.

21st November.
North West Astronomy Virtual Festival.
Winter Sky Highlights.
Zoom Talk

20th November.
Swindon Stargazers.
Comets, Enigmatic and Beautiful Visitors.

18th November
National Astronomy Week.
Mars Encounter. Concentrating on this years favourable opposition of Mars.
Livestreaming images and events all week.
Watch this space for more details.

17th November Virtual Astronomy Club.

16th November
National Astronomy Week. Mars Encounter. “Live” streaming of Mars through the scope.

3rd November – Virtual Astronomy Club.

1st November
Elan Valley Online Event with Astro Radio.

31st October
Technical support for Society for Popular Astronomy meeting.

30th – 31st October.
International Astronomy Show.

25th October.
Stargazers Lounge StarGazine Zoom talk.
A Tour Around Affinity Photo.

6th OctoberVirtual Astronomy Club.

20th OctoberVirtual Astronomy Club.

27th September.
Stargazers Lounge StarGazine Zoom talk.
Autumn Observing Challenges

26th September.
Practical Astronomy Show. Kettering.

24th September
Luton Astronomical Society.
The Space Race. Zoom Talk.

19th September
SPA Zoom Meeting – Provided Technical Zoom support.

19th September.
FAS Convention.
Institute of Astronomy Cambridge.

19th September.
Technical support for the SPA meeting.

18th September
SPA Live Facebook event. Venus imaging.

17th September.
The Astronomical Society of Glasgow.
Rosetta & Philae: From Concept To Reality. Zoom Talk.

14th September
Wolverhampton Astronomical Society.
Out of The Darkness: Pluto, New Horizons and Arrakoth. Zoom Talk.
10th July.
Milton Keynes Astronomical Society.
Apollo 13 Zoom Talk.

13th July.
Robot Day – Coventry.

20th May.
North Essex Astronomical Society.

28th April.
Birmingham Astronomical Society.
In the Footsteps of Piazzi Smyth: Astronomical Adventures in Tenerife.

23rd April.
Abington Park Museum over 60’s club.
A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

18th April.
Apollo 13 – 50th Anniversary Day Event.

4th April.
Go Spacewatch Apollo 13 50th Anniversary Event.
Saving Apollo 13: Houston, We’ve Had a Problem. Zoom meeting

7th March.
Raunds Community Library.
Apollo 13 Free Children’s Craft morning and family planetarium shows.

6th March.
Stanion Stargazers.
The Webb Space Telescope – Planetarium Full-Dome show.

26th February.
Letchworth & District Astronomical Society.
Rosetta & Philae: From Concept To Reality.

16th February.
Rugby & District Astronomical Society.
Out of the Darkness: Pluto, New Horizons and the latest images and data from Arrokoth.

18th January.
Starting Astrophotography Workshop.
Booking available from my Web site:

3rd December.
Lincoln Astronomical Society.
A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission. 

23rd November.
Photoshop Astrophotography Image Processing Workshop.
Raunds Community Library.
Booking available from my Web site:

16th November.
International Astronomy Show.
I will be having a stand here, so do pop by and say “Hello”.

7th November.
Walsall Astronomical Society.
Solar Astronomy and The Mercury Transit.

2nd & 3rd November.
Stargazers Lounge Astronomy Weekend.
Planetarium and Apollo missions presentation.
Sadly, due to the camp site flooding, this event had to be cancelled.

1st November. Kidderminster Arts & Foods Festival. Kidderminster Town Hall.
Apollo Family Afternoon Apollo Mission Planetarium Shows.
Kidderminster Town Hall.

1st November.
Go Space Watch Evening presentation.
Magnificent Destination: The Apollo Moon Missions.

Kidderminster Town Hall.

30th October. Thrapston & Raunds Rotary Club.
The Apollo Moon Missions.

28th October. Abington Camera Club, Northampton.
A Whistle-Stop Tour of the Universe.

7th October.
Aylesbury Astronomical Society.

1st October.
Open University Astronomy Club.
A Whistle-stop Tour of the Universe: Hitch-hiking on a Ray of Light.

14th September.
Attending the FAS Convention in Institute of Astronomy.

16th September. Nene Valley Astronomical Society.

3rd September. Duston Camera Club
A Whistle-stop Tour of the Universe: Hitch-hiking on a Ray of Light.

1st September. North Essex Astronomical Society.
Apollo 50th Anniversary Celebration.

31st August. Raunds Library.

28th August. Beccles Library.

27th August. Brixworth Library.

23rd August. Higham Ferrers Library. 

19th August. Far Cotton Library.

18th August. Rugby & District Astronomical Society.
Magnificent Destination: The Apollo Moon Missions.

9th August. Hunsbury Library.
Outreach event with NNHS – No planetarium unfortunately, but lots of Virtual Reality fun and talks.

7th August. Weston Favell library.
Planetarium & Outreach event with Northampton Natural History Society (NNHS).

20th July. Apollo 50th Anniversary Celebration Day.
A series of afternoon planetarium shows and an evening presentation to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landings.
Saxon Hall, Raunds. Northants.

June 25th June. Birmingham Astronomical Society.
Why The Universe Doesn’t Give a Fig About You.

8th and 9th of June. Fairford Festival.
8th – Magnificent Destination: The Apollo Moon Landings.
9th – The Space Race.

21st May. Northants Amateur Astronomers.
Out of the Darkness: Pluto, New Horizons and the latest images and data from Ultima Thule.

7th May.  Lincoln Astronomical Society.
Piazzi Smyth and his High Altitude Tenerife Observatory.

1st April. St Neots Astronomical Society.
Out of the Darkness: Pluto, New Horizons and the latest images and data from Ultima Thule.

19th March. Cranfield Astronomical Society.
Rosetta & Philae: From Concept To Reality.

14th March. Rushden & District Photographic Society.
Practical Astrophotography.

13th March. Luton Astronomical Society.
National Science Week, School’s Outreach Event.
A Whistle-Stop Tour of the Universe.

9th March.
Attending the The Practical Astronomy Show in Kettering.

2nd March. Adult Education Course
Astronomy For Beginners Course. 

Stanwick Village Hall. Click the title above for details.

27th February. The Big Bang Northants.
Silverstone. STEM Ambassador Event.

16th February. Astrophotographycourses – Banbury.
Photoshop Astrophotography Image Processing Workshop. 

For more details and to book this workshop visit their Web page:

11th February. West of London Astronomical Society (WOLAS).
Out of the Darkness: Pluto, New Horizons and the latest images and data from Ultima Thule.

4th February. School STEM Ambassador Evening.

25th January. Milton Keynes Astronomical Society.
Beginners guide to finding your way around the sky.

21st January. Nene Valley Astronomical Society.
Assisting and offering help to telescope owners at their Telescope Workshop Evening.


21st November. North Essex Astronomical Society. – Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

19th November. Wolverhampton Astronomical Society. – A Whistle-stop Tour of the Universe: Hitch-hiking on a Ray of Light.

17th November. Astrophotographycourses – Banbury.
Deep Sky Imaging Workshop.

12th November. Aylesbury Astronomical Society. – Rosetta & Philae: From Concept To Reality.

25th October. Luton Astronomical Society. – What we learnt from Comet ISON.

21st October. Rugby & District Astronomical Society. – Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

14th October. Northampton Reptile Club. – Starting out in Astronomy.

9th October. Carolian Astronomical Society. – Celebrate Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

4th October. Walsall Astronomical Society. – A Whistle-Stop Tour of the Universe: Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light.

29th September. Photoshop Workshop. Higham Ferrers, Northamptonshire.

28th September. North Essex Astronomical Society / Essex Wildlife Trust public evening. Abberton Reservoir Visitor Centre, Colchester.

17th September. Retford & District Photographic Society. – Introduction to Astrophotography.

14th September. Coventry & Warwicks AS. – History of Space Flight: The Space Race.

11th August. South West Astronomy Fair at the Norman Lockyer Observatory. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

2nd August. Peterborough Astronomical Society.  A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission. This coincided very nicely with the arrival of Tim Peake’s Soyuz Capsule and Sokol Space Suit which will be on display at Peterborough Cathedral from the 11th of August until the 5th of November. Click here for more details.

17th July. Northants Amateur Astronomers. – Mars: The Red Planet.

25th June. King’s Lynne Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

9th June. Solar Observing / Imaging Workshop. Higham Ferrers.

4th June. Aylesbury Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

8th May. Rushden & District Photographic Society. – Introduction to Astrophotography.

15th May. Solent Astronomical Society. – Rosetta & Philae: From Concept to Reality.

21st April. Photoshop Essentials Hands-On Workshop.

6th April. Stanion & Northants Astronomy Club. – The Voyager Missions. 40 Years and counting.

3rd April. Open University Astronomy Club. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

19th February. Nene Valley Astronomical Society  A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

23rd January. Cranfield Astronomical Society. The Voyager Missions: 40 Years and counting.


18th December. Chipping Norton Astronomy Group. A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

4th December. Knowle Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

10th November. Coventry & Warwicks Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

6th November. Wolverhampton Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

25th October. Bedford Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

5th October. Walsall Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

29th September. Milton Keynes Astronomical Society. – Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light: A Whistle Stop Tour of the Universe.

15th September. Cambridge Astronomical Association. – Mars: The Red Planet.

12th September. Little Stanion WI.  The Space Race.

7th August. St. Neots Astronomical Society. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

1st August. Lincoln Astronomical Society. – Rosetta & Philae: From Concept to Reality.

18th July. Stratford Astronomical Society. – What we learnt from Comet ISON.

17th June. BAA Comet Section Meeting. Northampton. My experience of the PACA Comet 67P Project.

12th June. King’s Lynne Astronomical Society. – Rosetta & Philae: From Concept to Reality.

9th June. Breckland Astronomical Society. – Rosetta & Philae: From Concept to Reality.

21st May. Rugby & District Astronomical Society. – Rosetta & Philae: From Concept to Reality.

16th May. Northants Amateur Astronomers. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

14th May. Northampton Reptile Club. – A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

9th May. Leicester Astronomical Society. – Rosetta & Philae: From Concept to Reality.

11th April – Little Stanion WI – The Space Race.

5th April. Bedford Wine & Social Group. – Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light: A Whistle Stop Tour of the Universe.

16th March. – Luton Astronomical Society. – National Science Week, School’s Outreach Event. A Celebration of Tim Peake’s Principia Mission.

6th March. – Hannington Vintage Tractor Club. – Hitch-Hiking on a Ray of Light: A Whistle Stop Tour of the Universe.

20th February. – Nene Valley Astronomical Society – Out of the Dark: Pluto and New Horizons.

25th January. – Bedford Astronomical Society – 30th Anniversary Meeting.

11th January. – Hertford Astronomical Society – Astronomical Adventures in Tenerife.